Monday, September 27, 2010

Week in Pictures

Eating was good this week. I measured out almost all portions, I love having a little weight machine to measure with. We move this weekend, and food is scarce around here, I have no idea what the week will bring. And I'm EMOTIONAL and STRESSED...not a good combination when your an emotional eater. I'm going to do my best!!

Lunch: Edamame...i LOVE this stuff. Costco has single serving portions in a big box...LOVE it. It's a favorite and easy lunch...lots of protein in those little pods! ha! Had 1/2 cup plain yogurt w/blueberries and a few chopped almonds..

Breakfast: 3 egg whites w/bell peppers and onions...(would like to have more veggies in this but like i said, food is scarce around here)...and yogurt, blueberries, almonds (i don't remember the measurements but i did make sure i was doing correct portions...just dont have the time to write it all down at this point...)

Breakfast: Yogurt, blueberries, almonds...I like this...can you tell??

Lunch: Edamame and an apple

Breakfast: 3 egg whites w/bell pepper and onions, topped w/salsa. yogurt and almonds
Lunch: 2 hard boiled eggs, carrots, yogurt and 3 strawberries
Breakfast: 1 apple and 2 TBS almond butter
Breakfast: love steel cut oats!!! w/frozen blueberries and fresh almond milk

1 comment:

sara said...

Hey you!!!

ARe you settled? Love almond milk and almond butter!!!!!